Anthologies; Darker is the next instalment of Kitchen Sink Production's serial short-film collection. Originally inspired by Ali Esiri's A Poem for Every Day of the Year, Anthologies draws upon the traditional performance of poetry as an intimate occasion between audiences and their direct connection to the performer.
This second series entitled Darker , was created and directed by Artistic Director Rhys Chant in collaboration with Tiegen Renwick and Brandon Cable-Rogers. Darker is an eclectic collection inspired by darkness in all forms both natural and human, spliced with a sense of awareness and humour. Performed by various artists in an intimate and personal relationship between the character and the viewer, Anthologies; Darker proposes questions about selfhood, intimacy and the eternal nature of the universe.
Creative Team
Creator - Rhys Chant
Contributor - Teigen Renwick
Producer - Brandon Cable-Rogers
Score - Brandon Cable-Rogers
Teigen Renwick
Charlotte Hayton
Jacob Spicer
Esther Draycott
Brandon Cable-Rogers
Wayne Wright