You've Reached Adam is an audio-drama narrative told through a series of voicemails left on a young person's phone. The story follows the journey of the original UK lockdown in 2020 and explores understanding, human relationships and the impact of social isolation and anxiety on individuals throughout Britain.
Kitchen Sink Productions' debut work, You've Reached Adam is an exploration of early practice written by newly appointed Creative Director, Rhys Chant, and supported by the Kitchen Sink Writing Group, formed of members of the company and colleagues from the University of Chichester.
This new and experimental audio work aims to explore the truth and benign existence exposed by the UK Lockdown and aims to encourage individuals to reflect on their own state of being
Creative Team
Creator - Rhys Chant
Assistant Director - Jacob Spicer
Producer - James Venters
Adam - George Long
Alex - Jacob Spicer
Georgia - Sophie Bone
Clara - Rose Bhanji
Morgan - Clem Chitty
Dad - James Venters
Mum - Hannah Dickinson
Newsreader - Max Pearson
Landlord - David Parrott
Voicemail - Rhys Chant