You've Reached Adam is an audio-drama narrative told through a series of voicemails left on a young person's phone. The story follows the journey of the original UK lockdown in 2020 and explores understanding, human relationships and the impact of social isolation and anxiety on individuals throughout Britain.
The revival and revisiting of this production, which was the original debut performance of the company, acts as an opportunity for analysis and self reflection in relation to our now changed society and to ask ourselves if we have all done enough to make the world a more supportive and kinder place following the trauma of the pandemic.
In leading the revival Creative Director, Rhys Chant, said that they felt "that the moment was now, as we embark on a new journey, to look back and say thank you to everyone who supported us to get here, but also as a chance to reflect on if the world has changed for the better".
Creative Team
Director and Writer - Rhys Chant
Assistant Director - Sophie Bone
Producer - James Venters
Adam - Jacob Spicer
Newsreader - Max Pearson
Voicemail - Maddie Bell
Landlord - Michael Stubbs
Clara - Christy Gosling
Alex - Cameron Sinden
Georgia - Charlotte Haynton
Morgan - Tiegen Renwick
Dad - Joel Yates
Mum - Chloe Wright